Coronavirus Information for the UC Davis Campus

What UC Davis is doing

The campus and medical center are coordinating with our local public health departments and the University of California Office of the President (UCOP) to provide ongoing clinical guidance.

UC Davis is monitoring the situation as it unfolds in California and around the globe and is working closely with the Yolo County Health Department and UCOP to provide our community with the most up-to-date information.

UC Davis and UC Davis Health have implemented measures to protect our community. 

The campus continues to operate normally. We are updating the community through ,  and Dateline UC Davis as new information is learned about the coronavirus.

There are currently no plans to cancel classes, and we will not plan to do so unless directed by our Yolo County Health Department. In addition, only the county Health Department has the authority to quarantine community members.

What you should know about coronavirus

It’s not too late to get your from Student Health and Counseling Services. Flu shots are covered for students with SHIP insurance and $25 for students without . You can make an appointment by calling 530-752-2349.

Signs of coronavirus infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. Any student who suspects they have influenza or coronavirus should contact at 530-752-2349.

Who is at risk for coronavirus?

Any member of our community suspecting they have influenza or coronavirus should stay home. Students should call  at 530-752-2349, or their primary medical provider, prior to arriving at the medical office. This will allow us to provide you with information on your illness and to plan for your visit to the clinic, if needed. Faculty and staff should contact their provider’s office for additional instructions about seeking care.

Student Health and Counseling Services​, based on Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines, has developed additional screening (by phone and at front desks) and has implemented additional protocols to help identify possible cases of coronavirus to provide optimal care for those with symptoms and to protect other patients and staff.

UC Davis students should call Student Health and Counseling Services at 530-752-2349 to speak with an advice nurse.

UC Davis faculty and staff should call their health care provider immediately for care.

Counseling and community

We recognize some members of our campus community are directly affected by the virus without themselves being sick. The news, and especially the uncertainty, can feel very scary. Some also have concerns regarding family members and friends in other areas who are sick, or who are at increased risk.

We want to help if you are struggling. Students can call  at 530-752-0871 to schedule an appointment with a counselor or to hear more about counseling resources on campus. Mental Health Crisis Consultation Services are available in 219 , 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday through Friday, and at the , 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday. No appointment is needed. 

Faculty and staff can contact the  at 530-752-2727.

Travel advisory

Regularly updated COVID-19 travel advisories are available on the . Campus policies on travel to countries affected by COVID-19 will reflect the assessments of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization, and the U.S. Department of State.

UC Davis travelers are reminded to  their trips, which is required by UC Davis policy and provides customized, real-time travel updates and alerts. UC Davis travelers with travel security questions should email travelsecurity@ucdavis.edu.

Other resources

For media

Media Resources

News and Media Relations, 530-752-1930

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