So, what’s up with the old shovels? The is collecting them at this season’s plant sales, and now the city of Davis is asking for shovels, too.
We knew they were for a sculpture that will be part of the at the east end of the arboretum, where the city and campus connect, but we didn’t know — until now — what the sculpture, a symbol of town-gown collaboration, might look like.
You've heard of the : 100 tough, reliable plants, tested in the arboretum, easy to grow, dont need a lot of water, have few problems with pests and diseases — making them outstanding choices for your garden.
Now come the Durable Delights: 30 plants that demand little of your time but give a big return in form, color and flower, tough and durable, and heat-tolerant for your sustainable garden.
You can find all of them — all-stars and delights — at arboretum plant sales, the next one set for Saturday, April 6. Open to the public. Members of and the receive 10 percent off their plant purchases at every sale. Join the friends organization at the gate to receive 10 percent off, plus a $10-off coupon. on membership and the associated benefits.
The arboretum plans two more "regular' sales this spring season: Sunday, April 28; and the clearance sale, Saturday, May 18.) All sales run from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at the .
The're also a special plant sale, Friday, April 12, just for staff, faculty, students, retirees and alumni. Hours will be 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 4 to 6 p.m.
• Folk Music Jam Sessions — Pull out your fiddles, guitars, mandolins, penny whistles, pipes, flutes, squeezeboxes you name it! and join your fellow musicians during the lunch hour for a little bluegrass, old-time, blues, Celtic, klezmer and other world music. All skill levels welcome. Listeners, too! Noon-1 p.m. Friday, March 29, and April 12 and 26, .
• Walk with Ellen — The monthly Walk with Warren turns in to a Walk with Ellen when the arboretum's director of horticulture, Ellen Zagory, substitues for Warren Roberts, the arboretum's superintendent emeritus. Zagory, who will lead a tour of the west end gardens, is frequently sought out by garden clubs and Master Gardener groups around California for her extensive knowledge of Arboretum All-Stars, sustainable horticulture, and gardening for pollinators and other wildlife. Noon Wednesday, April 10, meet at the .
• Ethnobotanical Plant Walk and Meditation — The Arboretum Ambassadors present this program about traditional uses of California native plants, and serve tea as an example. 2 p.m. Saturday, April 13, .
• Garden Ideas Galore — For your consideration: companion plants, container gardening and more, in the . 2 p.m. Sunday, April 14. The garden is next to Whole Foods market in the Davis Commons shopping center, First Street and Richards Boulevard.
• The Foreigner — Common House Productions, in collaboration with the arboretum, presents the Larry Shue comedy play about an Englishman named Charlie Baker, who, while visiting a fishing lodge in Georgia, pretends to be from an exotic foreign country and that he speaks no English. “Join us on , our own rural Georgia retreat, for a show complete with grits, debutantes and chipmunks,” the states. “This zany play is rife with deception and revelations that shine a light on what people are willing to divulge when they think no one is listening.” 8 p.m. Thursday-Friday, April 18-19; 10 a.m. Saturday, April 20; and 8 p.m. Sunday, April 21, and Thursday-Sunday, April 25-28. Tickets for all performances except April 20: $10 adults, $8 students, seniors and children. Reservations can be arranged via Common House Productions’ online , or by email, The April 20 Picnic Day performance is free.
• Poetry in the Garden: Mariam Ahmed — The featured poet grew up in Folsom and studied English literature as an undergraduate at UC Davis. She enjoys organizing poetry slams and open mic nights featuring local artists, poets and musicians. She teaches creative writing in elementary schools in Folsom and Davis, and edited and published Stories ETC. (Equality Through Creativity), a chapbook of short stories written by children. Noon-1 p.m. Thursday, April 25, .
• What's New in the Native Plant Garden? — Tour the recently renovated pathways and plantings in the Mary Wattis Brown Garden of California Native Plants for examples of native plants that work well in home landscapes. 2 p.m. Saturday, April 27, meet at the .
• Turtle Talk and Tour — A history of turtles in the arboretum, presented by undergraduates Jennifer McKenzie and Robyn Screen, who also will present their recent research on the effect of invasive, introduced turtles on the native turtles. Followed by a tour of turtle "hot spots" along the arboretum waterway. 1-3 p.m. Sunday, April 28, .
All programs are open to the public, and all are free except The Foreigner, April 18-19, 21 and 25-28 (the April 20 Picnic Day performance is free). More information: (530) 752-4880 or (for directions, click on Plan Your Visit). Keep up with arboretum news by reading The Leaflet e-newsletter. To start receiving it, send an email to, with newsletter in the subject line.
Media Resources
Dave Jones, Dateline, 530-752-6556,