Artist Who Gets the Spectator Involved in His Art to Speak

Feb. 9, Thursday, 4:30 p.m. -- Thai artist Rirkrit Tiravanija, who has made a name for himself throughout the world for getting spectators involved with the artist as the main artistic experience, will give a free, public talk at UC Davis. In his past, Tiravanija has created in galleries a kitchen where he cooked Thai curries for visitors, a fully operational auto-body shop and his own low-power television studio. Tiravanija won the 2004 Guggenheim Foundation Hugo Boss Prize and has been featured in countless exhibitions around the world. The public lecture is part of the UC Davis Studio Art Program's Lecture Series and will be held in the University Club on the UC Davis campus. Contact: Robin Hill, Art and Art History, (530) 752-3449, rhill@ucdavis.edu.

Media Resources

Susanne Rockwell, Web and new media editor, (530) 752-2542, sgrockwell@ucdavis.edu

Secondary Categories

University Society, Arts & Culture
