Be a champion of the Principles of Community

By Dateline staff

A new campaign invites everyone in the campus community to write about how they promote and integrate the Principles of Community into the classroom or workplace, or in campus organizations and activities.

Essays (up to 250 words) on the topic “How I Live the Principles of Community” will be reviewed quarterly (fall 2015, winter 2016 and spring 2016), and up to five people and one group, team or department will be recognized as Chancellor’s Principles of Community Champions each quarter.

“We have so many good people here, doing the right thing every day,” Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi said. “We want to thank them and share what they are doing with the community at large.”

The , updated last year on the occasion of the document’s 25th annivesary, serve as an aspirational statement affirming our commitment to the highest standards of civility and decency towards all.

A prologue, added in a 25th anniversary revision, states: “UC Davis is a diverse community comprised of individuals having many perspectives and identities. We come from a multitude of backgrounds and experiences, with distinct needs and goals. We recognize that to create an inclusive and intellectually vibrant community, we must understand and value both our individual differences and our common ground.”

We welcome your essays

The Office of Campus Community Relations, which is coordinating the campaign, offered a couple of questions for people to consider when writing their essays:

  • How do you create a welcoming and inclusive environment that fosters respect for diversity in the workplace or classroom, or in campus activities and organizations?
  • How do you foster academic excellence in a manner that promotes diversity and inclusion?

The campaign is for all Davis and Sacramento campus faculty, staff and enrolled students.

In each quarter of the campaign, essays must be received by the last day of instruction (Dec. 4 for fall quarter), at the Office of Campus Community Relations, 412 Mrak Hall. Drop off your essay, or send by campus mail or email.

Chancellor’s Principles of Community Champions will be recognized in these categories:

  • Faculty
  • Davis campus staff
  • UC Davis Health System staff
  • Undergraduate student
  • Graduate student
  • Group, team or department

The honorees will receive certificates and gift cards ($25 for individuals, $75 per group, team or department), and will be spotlighted on the Principles of Community website, in faculty-staff newsletters and on LED screens around the university.


Media Resources

Dave Jones, Dateline, 530-752-6556, dljones@ucdavis.edu

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