IN BRIEF: Open enrollment; Going to dinner for free

Open enrollment

Open enrollment for 2010 started Oct. 29 and continues through Nov. 24. For all of you wait until the last minute: Take note that the deadline this year is 5 p.m. and not midnight.

All of UC’s health plans from 2009 are back, with no plans being added, and the changes are minimal, said Bill Brooks, benefits manager for Human Resources on the Davis campus. The same dental and vision plans also are back, again at no cost to the employee.

During open enrollment, you may:

• Enroll in or opt out of UC-sponsored medical, dental or vision plans.

• Transfer to a different medical or dental plan.

• Enroll in the legal plan. (The plan is not open every year — so, if you want in, now is the time. During open enrollment, all employees are invited to download the legal plan’s living will and health care power of attorney forms for free: .)

• Add eligible family members to your medical, dental, vision or legal plans.

• Enroll in or opt out of Tax Savings on Insurance Premiums, or TIP. (Enrollment is automatic unless you previously opted out.)

• Enroll or re-enroll in a tax-saving flexible spending account for dependant care or health care. FSAs do not renew automatically.

If you need to do anything listed above, you must take action during open enrollment. Eveything is done online: .

If you are not doing any of the above, then you can sail through open enrollment without doing anything!

Going to dinner for free

Transportation and Parking Services, or TAPS, announced the winners of free admission to the U.S. Bicycling Hall of Fame induction ceremony and dinner scheduled for Nov. 7 in Freeborn Hall.

The tickets, valued at $120 each, go to Dawn Cauthen, nutrition service coordinator, Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital; Jan Kingsbury, major gifts officer, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences; and Diane Jellison, financial assistant to the provost.

TAPS drew their names from all those submitted for a drawing that was open to all TAPS customers: anyone who has purchased a parking permit or a bicycle license, or anyone who belongs to the goClub.

More information: .

Media Resources

Dave Jones, Dateline, 530-752-6556, dljones@ucdavis.edu

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