Briefs: voting, checks, staff adviser, training

Time off for voting

UC President Robert Dynes reminded nonexempt staff — hourly employees who are eligible for overtime pay — that they are entitled to up to two hours off with pay for the purposes of voting in general and primary elections, such as California's Feb. 5 primary.

The provision applies to employees who do not have time to vote outside of working hours, Dynes advised in a memo. He added: "Please notify your supervisor in advance if you need to take time off during work hours to vote."

It's a check, not junk mail!

Employees on a biweekly pay schedule saw them on Jan. 23, and people paid monthly will see them on Feb. 1. They are paychecks in a new format that requires you to tear off three perforated edges to reveal the check inside.

The payroll office advised people not to confuse the new checks for junk mail. A picture of the new check format is available online: vcadmin.ucdavis.edu/new-check-format.cfm.

There is no change in the style of direct-deposit statements.

Also, as the new year gets under way, Human Resources officials remind employees to review their payroll statements to ensure that they reflect benefit changes that may have been made during open enrollment.

If there appear to be errors, contact the Benefits Office. On the Davis campus, the telephone number is (530) 752-1774, and hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and noon to 4 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday. On the Sacramento campus, the telephone number is (916) 734-8099.

Staff adviser to regents

Applications are due by 5 p.m. Feb. 29 from non-Academic Senate employees who wish to be considered for the post of staff adviser to the regents. Whomever is chosen will serve as staff adviser designate in 2008-09 and staff adviser the following year.

More information is available online: ucop.edu/staffadvisorpgm. For employees without computer or Internet access, contact Human Resources.

Active Aggies Team Training

Walkers, joggers and runners are invited to join other UC Davis staff after work every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for "team training" sponsored by UC Davis Work Life.

As an incentive, the program will pay your entry fee for the Zoo Zoom on April 13, the Y-Me Mothers Day Walk on May 11 or the Shriners Run on June 21. The offer is good for the first 100 people who sign up. The cost is $40, with $20 refundable after completing one of the events.

An Active Aggies Team Training information session is scheduled from noon to 1 p.m. Feb. 4 in the Garrison Room at the Memorial Union, and training is set to the start the next day.

Registration information is available online: wrrc.ucdavis.edu/teamaggie. For more information, contact Bob Wachter, (530) 297-4605 or rawachter@ucdavis.edu.

Media Resources

Clifton B. Parker, Dateline, (530) 752-1932, cparker@ucdavis.edu

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