Bus Service Celebrates Terminal, 50 Million Riders

Oct. 30, Thursday -- Unitrans -- the student-run bus service that has helped move UC Davis and the city of Davis for 40 years -- is inviting its passengers and other fans to celebrate two milestones: the dedication of a new terminal on campus and its 50 millionth rider. The new terminal, located north of the Silo on Hutchison Drive, opened in late September as a transit center for Unitrans, the shuttle to the UC Davis Medical Center in Sacramento, Yolobus and Fairfield Transit. It offers convenience for passengers transferring between lines and, with off-street bus parking and passenger loading, increases safety in the area. The $1.5 million project, supported by more than $1 million in grants from the Federal Transit Administration as well as undergraduate student fees, includes a new sidewalk; benches, bike racks, and passenger shelters will be added later. During the 2 p.m. ceremony, the bus service will honor its 50 millionth rider. Symbolized by its double-deckers, Unitrans operates more than 40 modern buses on 14 routes in Davis and has more than 3 million riders annually. Another bus terminal is located north of the Memorial Union Building.

Media Resources

Julia Ann Easley, General news (emphasis: business, K-12 outreach, education, law, government and student affairs), 530-752-8248, jaeasley@ucdavis.edu

Anthony Palmere, Unitrans, (530) 754-5814, ajpalmere@ucdavis.edu
