UC Davis Human Resources has prepared the following information sheet regarding the campus closure plan for 2009-10. This document replaces an .

The plan does not apply to the UC Davis Health System Sacramento campus and its clinics. This plan applies to all other UC Davis departments.

As part of the furlough program, President Yudof is allowing campus flexibility in establishing local strategies for use of furlough days. In deliberating how best to implement our furlough plan, campus leadership developed the following principles to guide the selection of the closure periods:

• Fairness-equity in applying to both faculty and staff across a broad spectrum of positions and salary scales.

• Maximum preservation of our research, instructional, and service missions.

• Minimizing the impact on our students.

• Simplicity/manageability for units.

• Savings to be realized through energy conservation and other measures.

• Using furlough days to extend weekends between quarters.

• Providing some flexibility in the use of furlough days.

Based on these principles, the closure periods will be as follows:

1. Friday, Dec. 18, 2009, through Sunday, Jan. 3, 2010—The closure period includes four University-paid holidays (Dec. 24, 25, 31, and Jan. 1). Seven additional days (Dec. 18, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29 and 30) are not paid holidays, and nonrepresented Academics and staff will be required to use furlough days to cover the time off. Furlough days may be used in advance of accrual.

2. Wednesday, March 24, and Thursday, March 25, 2010

3. Monday, June 14, and Tuesday, June 15, 2010

During the closure periods, employees participating in the furlough plan may use furlough days in advance of accrual. .

Employees are encouraged to take the remaining furlough days, above and beyond those used for the campus closures as they accrue, with the approval of his/her supervisor or department head. Furlough days must be used by Aug. 31, 2010.

Employees not included in the furlough plan have the choice of the following options to cover the nonpaid days during the closure periods, in accordance with university personnel policies and applicable labor agreements and subject to discussion or collective bargaining:

1. Accrued vacation—Employees may use a certain number of vacation days in advance of their actual accrual as specified in University personnel policies and applicable labor agreements, and newly hired employees may use vacation accruals prior to six continuous months on pay status).

2. Compensatory time off

3. Leave without pay

If you are uncertain whether or not furloughs apply to you, please consult with your supervisor or review the .

During closures, essential services will continue to operate at a minimal level. Deans and vice chancellors will determine the facilities and-or operations within their purview that need to remain fully or partially open during the closure periods and arrange for appropriate staffing. Decisions in this regard must be made in accordance with university personnel policies and applicable labor agreements and subject to discussion or collective bargaining. In instances where essential employees participating in the furlough program must work during the closure period, their furlough days must be taken at other times throughout the remainder of the year, with the dates being approved by their supervisor or department chair.

In scheduling additional furlough days, unit leaders are encouraged to keep in mind blocks of time during which it may be less disruptive to plan additional, unit-based closures. Such periods may include additional days during the spring break (March 22-25) and during the week following commencement (June 14-18), and after summer session concludes (Aug. 30-31, 2010), depending on unit needs. At the unit leader's discretion, and with the approval of the relevant dean or vice chancellor, units may elect to close for one or more days during these blocks of time. As with the campus closures, eligible employees may use furlough days; all others must use accrued vacation, compensatory time off, or leave without pay, in accordance with University policies and applicable labor agreements. Guidelines for unit-based closures will be issued by mid-September.

Staff questions about the closure period should be directed to your departmental-division HR manager or to Elizabeth Meyer, director of Employee and Labor Relations, at eameyer@ucdavis.edu. Academic personnel questions can be directed to your department chair or dean, or to Assistant Vice Provost Connie Melendy at clmelendy@ucdavis.edu. Exclusively represented employees may also contact their union representatives.

Comments about the proposed campus closure plan should be sent to budget@ucdavis.edu by Sept. 15.

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Dave Jones, Dateline, 530-752-6556, dljones@ucdavis.edu

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