Here is the schedule of events for . In addition to speakers, the book project calendar also includes art shows, a film and a book discussion — all leading up to the author's visit, scheduled for Dec. 1.
Oct. 13 — Does God Want Me To Be Happy? An Examination of the Data on Happiness and Religion. Robert Emmons, professor, Department of Psychology. 12:10-1 p.m., Garrison Room, Memorial Union.
Oct. 13 — Got Bliss? A Conversation About the Personal Meaning of Wellness, and Strategies on Achieving and Maintaining It. Andreea Seritan, assistant clinical professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. Noon-1 p.m., 1204 Education Building, Sacramento campus.
Oct. 15 — The Philosophy of Bliss. G.J. Mattey, senior lecturer, Department of Philosophy. 12:10-1:30 p.m., Mee Room, MU.
Oct. 20 — Blissful Thinking: From Disorders to Well-Being. Sergio Aguilar-Gaxiola, professor, Department of Internal Medicine, and director, Center for Reducing Health Disparities. Noon-1 p.m., 1204 Education Building, Sacramento campus.
Oct. 20 — Insider’s Guide to Happiness at UC Davis: A Student Panel Sharing Tips on How to Be Connected, Be Well and Be Successful. Presented by Health Education and Promotion. 8-9 p.m., Tercero Main Ballroom.
Oct. 22 — Humor and Bliss. Karma Waltonen, lecturer, University Writing Program. 4:10-5:30 p.m., Garrison Room, MU.
Oct. 27 — Are We There Yet? A Closer Look at the Virtue of Patience in Our Quest for Happiness. Sarah Schnitker, graduate student researcher, Department of Psychology. 12:10-1 p.m., Garrison Room, MU.
Oct. 29 — Career Bliss: Finding Happiness at Work (Career Catalyst Series). Carina Celesia Moore, director, Staff Development and Profes-sional Services; and Mikael Villalobos, administrator, Diversity Education, and coordinator, Campus Community Book Project, Office of Campus Community Relations. 12:10-1 p.m., Cabernet Room, Silo.
Nov. 3 — Gendering the Geography of Bliss. 12:10-1:30 p.m., 126 Voorhies Hall. With four presenters:
• Peg Swain, associate adjunct professor, Women and Gender Studies Program; director, Gender and Global Issues; and student affairs officer, Women’s Resources and Research Center.
• Laura Grindstaff, associate professor, Department of Sociology.
• Jee-Eun Song, doctoral candidate, Cultural Studies Program.
• Valerie Vaughn, graduate student and teaching assistant, Department of Geography.
Nov. 4 — When Is Happy Enough? How Authenticity and Meaning Foster a Life Worth Living. Mitchel Adler of MindBody Intelligence Consulting. 12:10-1 p.m., Fielder Room, MU.
Nov. 9 — The Social Nature of Personal Well-Being. Rand Conger, Distinguished Professor, departments of Human and Community Development, and Psychology. 12:10-1:30 p.m., Heitman Staff Learning Center (formerly the Hog Barn).
Nov. 12 — If You Can’t Find Happiness Right Where You Are, Where Else Do You Expect To Find It? The Geography of Bliss and the Ascending Relocalization Movement. Robert Thayer, professor emeritus, Landscape and Architecture Program, Department of Environmental Design. 12:10-1:30 p.m., Garrison Room, MU.
Nov. 17 — Where’s Your Bliss: A Forum on Defining Happiness Based on the International Education Experience. Presented by the Education Abroad Center. Noon-1 p.m., Education Abroad Center, 207 Third St. (near A Street), Davis.
Nov. 18 — The American Dream: The Immigrant Experience in Search of Bliss. Natacha Foo Kune, psychologist, Counseling and Psychological Services. 12:10-1 p.m., East Conference Room, MU.
Nov. 19 — Food and Happiness. Charlotte Biltekoff, assistant professor, Food Science and Technology, and American Studies; and Carolyn de la Peña, associate professor, American Studies, and director, Davis Humanities Institute. 1:30-3 p.m., 126 Voorhies Hall.
Nov. 30 — The Internal Geography of Well-Being: Training Attention and Emotion Regulation Through Intensive Meditation — with Brain, Behavioral and Biochemical Evidence. Cliff Saron, assistant research scientist, Center for Mind and Brain. 12:10-1:30 p.m., Hamilton Room, Heitman Staff Learning Center (formerly the Hog Barn).
Through Oct. 3 — Art and Bliss: An Exhibit of Student Work from the Summer Abroad Program, Painting in Rome and Umbria. Education Abroad Center, 207 Third St. (near A Street), Davis.
Oct. 12-Nov. 1 — Education Abroad Center Photo Essay Contest.
Nov. 2–Dec. 4 — Designing Places for Happiness: An Exhibit of Student and Faculty Work from the Landscape Architecture Program. Art Lounge, MU.
Oct. 22 — Bhutan: Gross National Happiness. Presented as part of a class, Introduction to Documentary Studies (Technocultural Studies 155). 9-10:20 a.m., 1150 Hart Hall.
Nov. 15 — Unitarian Universalist Church of Davis, 27074 Patwin Road. 1-3 p.m. For more information, contact Kirk Ridgeway,
Dec. 1 — Why Are Republicans So Happy? (and Other Tales from the Science of Happiness). Forum@MC panel discussion with Eric Weiner, author, The Geography of Bliss; psychology professor Robert Emmons (whose books include The Psychology of Gratitude and the forthcoming THANKS!: How The New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier) and other faculty. 4-5 p.m., Jackson Hall, Mondavi Center for the Performing Arts.
Dec. 1 — Author’s talk: The Geography of Bliss. 8-9:30 p.m., Jackson Hall, Mondavi Center. Followed by book signing. Tickets: (530) 754-2787 or (866) 754-2787, or .
Media Resources
Dave Jones, Dateline, 530-752-6556,