Campus sets up new program for discrimination complaints

The UC Davis state: “We confront and reject all manifestations of discrimination.”

But what if it happens anyway, what if you feel discriminated against? The university wants to hear about it, look into and stop it.

Over the years, staff members could take their complaints to a couple of different units: Staff Affirmative Action and Diversity, Employee and Labor Relations, and the Office of Campus Community Relations.

Now, to be more efficient and effective, the university has established a program with a name that includes “discrimination,” so staff members know exactly where to go with their complaints.

The new Harassment and Discrimination Assistance and Prevention Program, or HDAPP, expands upon the services of the , or SHEP, and assumes all of its responsibilities.

“SHEP has always been seen by the campus as a wonderful and trusted resource,” said Wendi Delmendo, chief compliance officer, explaining the decision to fold the discrimination complaint process into the Sexual Harassment Education Program.

The SHEP name has gone away, replaced by HDAPP. It occupies what used to be the SHEP office in , and the telephone number is the same: (530) 752-9255.

HDAPP accepts all complaints of sexual harassment from faculty, staff and students, and complaints of discrimination from staff. Academic Affairs and Student Judicial Affairs continue to handle complaints of discrimination from faculty and students, respectively. 

Lisa Brodkey, who led SHEP for 21 years and now leads the new HDAPP, said the process is generally the same: “We strive to help people understand how their actions may affect others in ways they may not intend or anticipate.”

Two sections in the Policy and Procedure Manual guide Brodkey and Delmendo in their work: (Sexual Harassment) and (Staff Complaints of Discrimination).

“Our commitment to a harassment-free, discrimination-free work environment is as strong as ever,” Delmendo said. “Now we have HDAPP where people can go to get the help they need.”

You can reach HDAPP on its general office telephone line, (530) 752-9255, or, for your privacy and confidentiality, you can use the anonymous call line, (530) 752-2255 (A-CALL from campus phones). You can visit the office at off Tercero Hall Circle west of Bioletti Way.

The : In text and as an oral presentation with photographs.

The also includes an online course, “Living the Principles of Community,” plus additional information about free expression, hate- and bias-related incidents, and campus diversity programs.

Media Resources

Dave Jones, Dateline, 530-752-6556, dljones@ucdavis.edu

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