CASTING VOTES: Election excitement runs high, turnout big at campus poll

Yolo County election officials said 2,210 people cast ballots during five days of early voting at UC Davis last week. This year’s early turnout at UC Davis was nearly double the early turnout of 1,135 in the 2004 presidential election, when the county first set up an early-voting station at UC Davis, at the urging of student Brian McInnis ‘06. Last week’s turnout proved so large that, on Day 2, election officials moved to a bigger room in the MU and added more booths. Still, 20 to 30 people at times waited in line in the hallway. On the front: First-time voter Cali Nguyen, 18, a sophomore sociology major from Sacramento, proudly displays her ballot receipt outside the polling place in the Memorial Union.

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Clifton B. Parker, Dateline, (530) 752-1932, cparker@ucdavis.edu

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