Central Campus projects undergo environmental review; comments due by Dec. 22

 Public comment is being sought on the university’s environmental review of four proposed construction projects on the Davis Campus.

Collectively, they are called the 2008-09 Central Campus Major Capital Improvement Project. Individually, they are the Segundo Services Center, Student Community Center, Music Instruction and Recital Building, and Chilled Water Phase 7.

The environmental review, carried out in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, is officially called a “tiered initial study,” and it is available for review in draft form through Dec. 22.

Here is a description of the projects:

Segundo Services Center—This new, three-story building in the Segundo housing area is planned on a site immediately west of the original Segundo Dining Commons. The old DC would be torn down, making way for a quad. The services center, for ancillary functions for campus housing residents, would hold about 23,100 assignable square feet, out of gross square footage of 33,300.

Student Community Center—This new building would go on the site now occupied by 15 temporary buildings at the northeast corner of California Avenue and Hutchison Drive, kitty-corner from the Bike Barn and Outdoor Adventures. The center would be about 40,000 square feet, with 26,300 square feet available for several student service programs that focus on student life, campus diversity and campus community development. The building also would feature food service, lounges and space for studying and counseling.

Music Instruction and Recital Building—This new building would be located along Hutchison Drive just east of the Music Building. The new structure, partially financed by a $1 million gift from the Noda family, would be about 18,000 gross square feet, with 10,100 square feet available for instructional space and the recital hall for small- to medium-sized instrumental and choral performances. To make way for the new structure, a small temporary building and an unused steam generation building would be torn down.

Chilled Water Phase 7—This project calls for the installation of some 3,500 feet of underground piping for chilled water and steam utilities in the core campus.
In reviewing these projects for their potential impacts on the environment, the Office of Resource Management and Planning relied on analysis from the campus’s overall environmental impact report, adopted in 2003 with the Long-Range Development Plan.

The draft tiered initial study determined that, in general, the projects are within the Long-Range Development Plan’s parameters for growth, impacts and mitigation measures.

The study proposes an additional mitigation measure regarding construction detours for bicyclists and pedestrians. Specifically, for each project, the mitigation calls for detailed detour plans to reduce the potential impact to a less-than-significant level.

The Central Campus Major Capital Improvement Project draft study is available for review at the Office of Resource Management and Planning, 376 Mrak Hall; Shields Library Reserves; Davis Library, 315 E. 14th St.; and Vacaville Library, 1020 Ulatis Drive; and .

The 2003 Long-Range Development Plan and its environmental impact report are available for review at the same places and on the same .

Based on public comments and the information in the draft study, the university could consider adopting a mitigated negative declaration regarding environmental impacts, and approving the four projects.

Comments on the 2008-09 Central Campus Major Capital Improvement Project draft tiered initial study are due by 5 p.m. Dec. 22 by e-mail to environreview@ucdavis.edu, or by regular mail to John A. Meyer, Vice Chancellor, Resource Management and Planning, University of California, 1 Shields Ave., 376 Mrak Hall, Davis 95616.






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Dave Jones, Dateline, 530-752-6556, dljones@ucdavis.edu

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