THE DOWNLOAD: Flowers, Thanking Doctors, Blood Drive

Paper flowers
These paper flowers were created by second-graders in Connecticut. (Courtesy)

The UC Davis Arboretum is known around the region for its beauty, and now its flowers are even inspiring students on the East Coast.

The Foote School, a K-9 school in Connecticut, created a wall of regionally appropriate flowers from upcycled materials for Columbus House, a nearby homeless shelter. Inspiration for the flowers came from the UC Davis Arboretum and Public Garden's Nature's Gallery Court.

Blood drives draw capacity crowds

Donor gives blood
A donor gives blood at UC Davis Health. (UC Davis photo)

More than 170 units of blood were donated last week at the American Red Cross blood drives, co-sponsored by UC Davis Medical Center and the UC Davis School of Medicine and held at the Education Building on the UC Davis Health campus.

UC Davis Health faculty, staff and students joined the community in answering the urgent call for blood donations. Two more blood drives will be held this week. All appointments are already filled, but those interested can still visit and for other nearby opportunities to donate.

“I’m proud of how quickly the UC Davis Health family responded and signed up for every available donation slot in our blood drive. All of us in health care are asking everyone who can to donate and help save lives in their communities,” said David Lubarsky, CEO of UC Davis Health.

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