He’s on Facebook Live, He’s at Tahoe, He’s Everywhere

Cameron Carter and Gary May during eclipse.
“Not a bad way to view the eclipse,” Chancellor Gary May wrote in a Facebook post that showed him aboard the UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center vessel John Le Conte on Aug. 21. May is pictured here with Cameron Carter, interim vice chancellor for research. (Joe Proudman/UC Davis)

In the three weeks Chancellor Gary S. May has been on the job, he has likely been asked hundreds of questions about his plans for UC Davis, his background and more.

Last week, he went directly to the online community in a live Q&A session on the UC Davis Facebook page. If you missed it, no worries, it’s archived: and (Simone and Jordan May interview their dad in Part 2).

The new chancellor’s “listening tour” also included his first Staff Assembly-sponsored , at the Chancellor’s Residence.

Chancellor May hosts breakfast at his official residence
Chancellor May continued the ongoing series of breakfasts at the Chancellor's Residence, for faculty, staff and students, with an event Thursday (Aug. 17). (Gregory Urquiaga/UC Davis photo)

Also last week, Chancellor May dropped by the Police Department, where he met the incoming chief, Joe Farrow, who is stepping down as California Highway Patrol commissioner, and the rest of the campus law enforcement team, including Charlie.

Gary May meets the UC Davis Police
‘Can’t forget Charlie, of course,’ Chancellor May said in a tweet with this photo he posted from the Police Department. That’s Joe Farrow, the new chief, opposite the chancellor. (Gregory Urquiaga/UC Davis photo)
Chancellor with dignitaries at Lake Tahoe
At Lake Tahoe, Aug. 21: Chancellor May is pictured with, from left, Rep. John Garamendi, UC Regent Richard Blum, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and Sen. Kamala Harris. Today (Aug. 22) they are attending the 21st annual Lake Tahoe Summit. (Heather Segale/UC Davis photos)


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