By Dateline staff
Fulbright Scholar and NSF funding workshops and an Office of Research open house, faculty author programs, and symposia on medicine and the humanities, and the study of work in our changing society — all this and more are packed into the UC Davis academic calendar throughout the next two weeks.
The is holding its second annual to promote how the office stands ready to help in the university’s research enterprise, and to highlight leading interdisciplinary collaborations.
The office provides services related to funding sources and collaborations, proposal development and budgeting, facilities and equipment, and communication and knowledge transfer.
Many other campus units are joining in the open house, to showcase their research-related services and activities. The exhibitors include InnovationAccess, Research Compliance and Integrity, Undergraduate Research Center, Clinical and Translational Science Center, Electron Microscopy Lab, Crocker Nuclear Laboratory, Agricultural Sustainability Institute and Statistical Laboratory.
The open house is scheduled from 2:30 to 5 p.m. Monday (April 15) at the . Admission is free (no RSVPs required) and refreshments will be served, the organizers said.
Vice Chancellor Harris Lewin, who leads the Office of Research, will deliver welcoming remarks, and others from the office also will attend, to chat with the target audience of faculty, professional researchers, research administrators and students.
“See how we’ve streamlined and improved our office to increase efficiency and customer satisfaction,” according to the organizers, who added that feedback and suggestions are welcome.
Fulbright and NSF workshops
• Fulbright Scholar Programs for U.S. Citizens — Noon-1:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 23, Institute of Governmental Affairs reading room, 360 .
Andy Riess, assistant director of outreach, Council for International Exchange of Scholars, will conduct this workshop on the Fulbright Scholar Program for Faculty and Professionals. Topics include lecturing and research opportunities in 125 countries, and how to prepare your application. The application deadline is Aug. 1 for the next funding cycle (2014-15).
The workshop also will address how you can host foreign Fulbright scholars.
Sponsored by University Outreach and International Programs. For more information, contact Jennie Konsella-Norene, (530) 754-9403 or
on the wide range of Fulbright programs available for U.S. and visiting students, scholars and faculty.
• National Science Foundation — 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Thursday, April 25, . This is an NSF Day event, the foundation’s flagship workshop, held in Northern California every four years — with UC Davis selected as the venue for 2013. A Research Showcase will accompany the workshop.
The NSF anticipates up to 350 participants, with invitations having been extended to researchers and research administrators from 32 Northern California colleges and universities. All have been invited to participate in the Research Showcase, by showing posters on NSF-funded (or fundable) programs.
According to the NSF, “This workshop is primarily designed for researchers and educators less experienced in proposing to the NSF; however, more experienced proposers and NSF grantees may well find the workshop useful and informative.”
The workshop will provide an overview of the foundation and its mission, priorities and budget. Topics will include the NSF proposal and merit review process, and NSF programs that cut across disciplines.
Additionally, representatives from the seven NSF directorates and the Office of International Science and Engineering and the Office of Integrative Activities will make presentations on their programs and will be available informally and in breakout sessions for discussions of potential research proposals.
The day’s hosts: the , and . The program includes welcoming remarks by Vice Chancellor Lewin from the Office of Research; Vice Provost Bill Lacy of UOIP; and Ralph J. Hexter, provost and executive vice chancellor.
Refreshments will be served in the Gallagher Hall lobby from 4:40 to 6 p.m., after the workshop.
The organizers are asking for registrations by Thursday, April 18, and advise that space is limited. The fee is $35.
• On Work: Changing Relations of Value and Labor — 3-5 p.m. Friday, April 19, 2nd-Floor Instruction Room, . In conjunction with , a three-year, multicampus initiative of the UC Humanities Research Institute.
The UC Davis symposium and a bibliographic exhibition — organized by David Michalski and Michael Winter, humanities and social sciences librarians — address how technology, globalization and gender relations influence the way labor and value are constructed today.
The project is organized around these questions:
- How is work altered by the processes of globalization and changing technologies?
- How do the changing relations of work produce or alter ideas of well-being, in families or in communities?
- What are the philosophical and moral dimensions of work, especially those connected with ideas of alienation and fulfillment?
The symposium program features a three-person panel:
- Sandy Gómez, Ph.D. candidate in cultural studies — “Flexible Work: Exploitation and Pleasure in Direct Sales”
- Chris Benner, associate professor, community development, and chair, Geography Graduate Group — “Beyond Jobs: Space-Time and Labor in the Information Economy”
- Scott Cutler Shershow, professor, Department of English (critical theory) — “The Double Necessity of Work: A Paradox Re-examined”
The exhibition is on display in the Shields Library through spring quarter and summer sessions.
• Unauthorized Narratives and “Other” Stories in Medicine — 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, April 20, 1222 Education Building, Sacramento campus. Interdisciplinary symposium presented by the Medical Humanities Research Group, which is part of the UC Medical Humanities Consortium. Free and open to the public; advance registration requested, via the event .
Keynote speakers:
- Louise Aronson, associate professor and director, Medical Humanities Program, School of Medicine, UC San Francisco — “Using Unconventional, Unauthorized and Borrowed Forms to Tell the Story of Medicine.”
- Lynette Hunter, professor and chair, Department of Theatre and Dance, UC Davis — “Anecdotal Evidence as Knowledge and the Feminist Critique of Science.”
The program also includes four panels: Objects of Medicine, Narratives in Mental Health, Performing Health, and Creative “Care” in Humanities and Medicine.
Panel participants’ topics include “Tales of Traveling Boxes in Lithuania” (Rima Praspaliauskiene, Ph.D. candidate, cultural anthropology, and Science and Technology Studies, UC Davis).
“Living with Uncertainty: Lifeworld Narratives of Autism” (Cara Chiarluce, Ph.D. candidate, sociology, UC Davis), “Reinventing Care and Politics at a North American Drug Users Union” (Matthew Nesvet, doctoral student, cultural anthropology, and Science and Technology Studies, UC Davis).
Author programs
announced three faculty author programs, dealing with four books. All of the programs are free and open to the public, and each includes a question-and-answer session and book signing.
• D.R. Wagner, lecturer, Department of Design — 97 Poems by D.R. Wagner. Noon-1:30 p.m. Monday, April 15, lounge, main bookstore, .
• Dennis Dingemans, professor emeritus of geography, and Ann Foley Scheuring — University of California, Davis, comprising 200 black-and-white images, most from the University Archives, and some from some images from the McCurry and Eastman collections, and others by Ansel Adams. Noon-1:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 16, King Lounge, .
Dingemans was a faculty member from 1972 to 2005, teaching and researching historical, regional, and urban geography. Scheuring is the author of Abundant Harvest: The History of the University of California, Davis.
Two professors in the Department of Chicana/o Studies have each written a new book, and they are coming together for a single program. Noon-1:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 17, lounge, main bookstore, .
• Natalia Deeb-Sossa, assistant professor — Doing Good: Racial Tensions and Workplace Inequalities at a Community Clinic in El Nuevo South.
• Yvette G. Flores, professor — Chicana and Chicano Mental Health: Alma, Mente y Corazón.
Media Resources
Dave Jones, Dateline, 530-752-6556,