While paying for college can feel overwhelming, the fact is a . There are many available to students.
UC Davis is an investment that’s worth it.
Besides being nationwide, UC Davis offers more than ; dozens of , and ; and one of the largest internship and career centers in the nation.
UC Davis Aggies not only receive a top-notch education inside the classroom, they also put their knowledge and passions to work outside the classroom.
Employers tell us that one of their favorite things about hiring a UC Davis student is the loyalty and commitment an Aggie brings to the job. As for going to graduate or professional school, 90 percent of our students are admitted by their first- or second-choice institution.
Whether your future will find you in the working world or attending graduate or professional school, UC Davis offers a foundation for your future that you can’t find anywhere else.
about how Aggies are paying for their education and why they believe UC Davis is worth the investment.