IMPORTANT FORUMS: Shared service center initiative and post-employment benefits

Campus forums are scheduled next week and the week after on two important topics: the shared service center initiative and post-employment benefits.


A town hall meeting is scheduled Oct. 11 for people who work in the six units that are involved: Administrative and Resource Management, the Offices of the Chancellor and Provost, Information and Educational Technology, the Office of Research, Student Affairs and University Relations.

The town hall is scheduled from 2:30 to 4 p.m. in the UC Davis Conference Center at the campus's south entry. Staff members are asked to register online (search for “Shared Service” or "SSC").

The meeting announcement states that Chancellor Linda Katehi and John Meyer, vice chancellor of Administrative and Resource Management, will present the vision behind the campus’s Organizational Excellence initiative (of which the shared service center project is a component), and the role of staff in contributing to the success of this vision.

They also are expected to discuss the project’s governance and project team structures.

The town hall program also includes Associate Vice Chancellor Karen Hull of Human Resources, who will discuss projected staffing in the shared service center, recruitment and hiring strategies, and human resource programs designed to support staff during this time of change.

A question-and-answer session is planned after the presentations.

Earlier coverage: (Oct. 1, 2010)


Representatives from the UC Office of the President are due back on the Davis and Sacramento campuses to clarify the recently released recommendations of the Post-Employment Benefits Task Force and to answer employees’ questions.

While the Board of Regents voted unanimously last month to boost pension contribution levels for UC and its employees, UC President Mark G. Yudof is soliciting feedback on other recommendations from the task force, as well as on recommendations in a “dissenting statement” from faculty and staff members.

The UC Davis forums are scheduled for Oct. 19, in the morning on the Davis campus and in the afternoon on the Sacramento campus. Organizers said the morning session will be webcast; look for the links on the on the day of the forum.

Officials said release time with supervisory approval is appropriate for staff attendees.

Enrollment is limited for both sessions, so people are being advised to register in advance. (Faculty members: These forums are similar to presentations hosted by the UC Davis Academic Senate on Oct. 4.)

Here are the forum details:

Davis campus — 10:30 a.m.-noon, Activities and Recreation Center Ballroom.

Sacramento campus — 2-3:30 p.m., auditorium, MIND Institute, 2825 50th St., Sacramento.

Register for either forum (search for “PEB”). For registration assistance, contact Staff Development and Professional Services at (530) 752-1766 or sdps@ucdavis.edu.

Retiree participation

Retirees are asked to register through the Retiree Center:

(click on “PEB Campus Forum” under Online Registrations, in the left-hand index bar)

By telephone, (530) 752-5182

Or by e-mail, retireecenter@ucdavis.edu

On the Web




Media Resources

Dave Jones, Dateline, 530-752-6556, dljones@ucdavis.edu

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