Jan. 14 brown bag: 'Alive! Healthy and Well'

Staff Development and Professional Services announced an expanded program for the Jan. 14 Health Awareness Brown Bag.

The brown bag started out with a single topic: the Alive! program. Now, two more topics have been added: the Healthy 'til 100 and Beyond Wellness Challenge, and the UC Davis Wellness Portal.

The brown bag's new title is "Alive! Healthy and Well" — and everyone in the campus community is invited, free of charge, with no preregistration necessary. The brown bag is scheduled from noon to 1 p.m. in the Cabernet Room at the Silo.

• is an e-mail-based program designed to help people make small changes in their diets and physical activity behaviors. Gladys Block, professor emerita of public health at UC Berkeley, developed Alive! — and she is due to attend the UC Davis brown bag to explain how her program works.

Basically, it consists of weekly e-mail messages that are tailored to participants' existing lifestyles and preferences.

In announcing the brown bag, Staff Development and Professional Service invited people to "find out how to participate in the Alive! program, make healthy lifestyle changes, and reach realistic and achievable goals — one e-mail at a time."

• The Retiree Center's builds on last year's inaugural Healthy 'til 100 program, which challenged faculty and staff — retired or still working — to make at least one healthy lifestyle change for 100 days. The idea is this: If you can adopt a habit for 100 days, it is likely that you can keep it up for a lifetime.

But, Healthy 'til 100 promoters say, "don’t stop with just one change! The more healthy habits you adopt, the better your chances of enjoying retirement free of chronic ailments, and the more likely you are to reach or exceed that 100-year milestone."

Sue Barnes, program manager for the Retiree Center, is scheduled to make a presentation at the Jan. 14 brown — explaining the challenge and telling people how they can enroll.

The Healthy ‘til 100 and Beyond Wellness Challenge is co-sponsored by Campus Recreation, the Academic and Staff Assistance Program, Safety Services, Sports Performance Program and WorkLife.

• The , created by the Mind Body Wellness Group, is an online tool for staff, faculty and students, helping them locate resources related to the various aspects of wellness. The portal links to campus resources, as well as those in Davis and the larger Web community. Michelle Johnston, health education supervisor with Student Health Services, is due to present this portion of the brown bag program.

For more information on the Health Awareness Brown Bag series, contact Staff Development and Professional Services, (530) 752-1766 or sdps@ucdavis.edu.

Media Resources

Dave Jones, Dateline, 530-752-6556, dljones@ucdavis.edu

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