Vice Chancellor Stan Nosek, who heads up the Office of Administration, issued this letter to the campus community on April 30:
As you are all aware, both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization have declared a public health emergency due to the appearance of a unique strain of influenza virus referred to as "swine flu," or Influenza A H1N1. UC Davis leaders and personnel from health services and emergency management are actively monitoring the situation. The campus has a comprehensive emergency management program and regularly plans and practices to respond to these kinds of events. Additionally, we are in close contact with our community partners in Yolo County, especially the Yolo County Public Health Department.
As of Thursday, April 30, there have been no confirmed cases in Yolo County. Currently, there are no changes to university operations or activities as a result of H1N1 virus. Campus has been operating normally. A new Web site, , was established Monday (April 27) to keep the university community informed. This site can be reached from the campus home page or you may wish to bookmark it directly. Questions about the UC Davis response can be sent to
Any significant changes in recommendations or plans will be shared with the community through the campus home page, as well as through e-mails, Dateline, Friday Update, MyUCDavis and other venues as appropriate.
The Yolo County Public Health Department reminds all public institutions, including our university, that the emphasis is to be focused on the isolation of ALL active influenza cases—keeping people at home (out of school and work) when they are sick. Health care facilities are instructing ALL persons with active influenza symptoms to stay home. Institutions are asked to promote supportive workplace and school policies to encourage compliance.
The university encourages you to be aware of the symptoms of H1N1 virus and take the same steps you would normally take to prevent a cold or flu. Information about symptoms, simple prevention tips and links to more information can be found at .
Media Resources
Dave Jones, Dateline, 530-752-6556,