Letter to the editor: Whistleblower complaints

Dear Editor:

Professor Hunt's letter in the Jan. 26 issue of Dateline raises an excellent question, if I may paraphrase: "How may a whistleblower be assured that his or her complaint will receive an unbiased review if the complaint concerns the locally designated official or his supervisors?"

The university's whistleblower policy (see ucwhistleblower.ucop.edu/policy.html) addresses this issue by providing alternative paths for complaints such as these. If a whistleblower complaint concerns the locally designated official, the provost and executive vice chancellor, or the chancellor, it should be directed to:

Bruce Darling

Senior Vice President

Office of the President

University of California

1111 Franklin Street

Oakland, CA 94607

If the complaint concerns Senior Vice President Darling, it should be directed to the university auditor:

Patrick Reed

University Auditor

Office of the President

University of California

1111 Franklin Street

Oakland, CA 94607

A whistleblower may direct his or her complaint outside of the university to a state government official:

Bureau of State Audits

555 Capitol Mall, Suite 300

Sacramento, CA 95814

(800) 952-5665

Bob Loessberg-Zahl

assistant executive vice chancellor

Media Resources

Clifton B. Parker, Dateline, (530) 752-1932, cparker@ucdavis.edu

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