THE OUTDOORS: At Stebbins Cold Canyon


• Bobcat Ranch: Up Bray Canyon — A moderate hike on the 6,800-acre Bobcat Ranch, northeast of Stebbins. The ranch is owned and managed by California Audubon, and, at this time, public access is limited. This outing will focus on California Audubon's work to restore the land, what research is taking place there, and on the ranch’s habitats and wildlife. 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Saturday, March 12.

• Nature’s Theatre training — A two-day program, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Sunday, March 13 and 20. “If you’d like to learn how to inspire children to develop a love of nature, this training is for you,” Falyn said. Nature’s Theatre presents interactive walking stories, with costumed characters who help the children explore and learn about nature. People who complete the training will be eligible (but not required) to participate as a character in one of the spring season’s Nature’s Theatre outings scheduled at Stebbins. No charge for the training.

• Follow a Raindrop — About a raindrop’s journey through the reserve, in a program exploring such topics as the watershed’s hydrologic cycle, water resources management and water quality. A 1.5-mile (round-trip) walk on the Homestead Trail along Cold Creek and then a two-mile (round-trip) hike up to an overlook with views of the reserve’s watershed, Lake Berryessa, Monticello Dam and Putah Creek. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Sunday. March 20.

• A Gentle Stroll Up the Canyon — With so many kinds of plants in Cold Canyon, you would have a hard time identifying them all. Unless you happened to be botanist Glenn Holstein of the California Native Plant Society, who will lead this leisurely walk on the Homestead Trail. 9 a.m.-noon, Saturday, March 26.

• Words Into Images — Look at a scene in nature and allow words to join the images in your mind. Take those words and use them in a pattern to create images. Artist Alison Kent leads this program on the creative process of thought and expression. Please bring your favorite media (pens, or colored pencils and sharpener) and a blank journal. 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Sunday, March 27.

• Discovering Creek Critters — Hands-on exploration and other activities, focusing what types of things are living in local creeks, how to assess water quality by looking at bugs in the creek, and, most important, how to play safely in the water. A three-hour hike. All ages welcome, with the organizers saying this program is great for children 9 and up. 9 a.m.-noon Saturday, April 2.

• 4 Perspectives — Learn how to use all of your senses in the canyon. With Barbara Byrne, who uses the senses of touch and sight in exploring plants and flowers; artist Alison Kent, who looks and listens for birds and other animals; Goran Muhlert, a blind hiker and musician who tunes into sounds and smells; and Ann Noble, professor emeritus in the Department of Viticulture and Enology. Noble is the sensory scientist who developed the wine aroma wheel, which can be used by inexperienced wine tasters to train their brains and noses to connect aromas with the appropriate terms. 9 a.m.-noon Sunday, April 3.

NATURE’S THEATRE: Nature Play for Kids

Nature’s Theatre invites children to become part of the story and learn from Mother Nature, Professor Planthead and Tiny and Whiny, to name a few.

Each outing is an opportunity to play outside and learn a little bit more about the secrets of nature. All programs run from 10 a.m. to noon, except Mother Nature and the Toddlers (10-11:30 a.m.)

• Winter Won’t Go (ages 4-8) — Sunday, March 27

• Mother Nature and the Toddlers (ages 1-4) — Sunday, April 3

• Silly Ol’ Professor Planthead (ages 6-10) — Sunday, April 10

• World of the Small (ages 5-10) — Saturday, April 23

• Starwalker and the Planets (ages 6-10) — Saturday, April 30

• Consumasaurus, the Dragon (ages 6-10) — Saturday, May 7

• Nature Heroes (ages 5-10) — Saturday, May 14

• Glug, Glug and the Water Boss (water play for kids, ages 5-10) — Sunday, June 5


All activities are open to the public. Optional fees: $5 per person or $10 per family. Activities fill up fast; reservations are required. E-mail Jeff Falyn, jfalyn@ucdavis.edu, with your name, address, event date, and phone number and-or e-mail address, and indicate whether you need directions.

Media Resources

Dave Jones, Dateline, 530-752-6556, dljones@ucdavis.edu

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