New way to join ARC: Community membership

The Activities and Recreation Center is offering a limited number of community memberships to Cal Aggie Alumni Association members who are not graduates of UC Davis.

Nonstudent access to the ARC had previously been limited to people with UC Davis affiliation, say, faculty, staff, retirees and alumni.

To join CAAA, however, you need not be a graduate. So the ARC and the alumni association forged a partnership whereby non-UC Davis affiliates can join the CAAA for $50 a year and thereby become eligible to purchase an ARC community membership. You can do both at the ARC’s Member Services desk.

Community memberships are offered on a quarterly ($120) or annual basis ($430).

Existing ARC members may continue to sponsor family members, neighbors or friends; the cost is $85 per quarter or $340 per year, prorated.

Community memberships come with full access to the ARC and all associated benefits, including free admission to Recreation Pool and Hickey Pool, access to the only racquetball-squash courts in Davis, and substantial discounts on most Campus Recreation programs.

A spokesman said the new community memberships policy underwent extensive review by the Campus Rec Advisory Board, and the Campus Unions and Recreation Board.

Hey, get off the couch: Train for a 5K or 10K

Campus Recreation is once again offering its “Couch to 5K” training program for people interested in walking or running in their first five-kilometer event, or perhaps a 10K.

Experienced trainers and coaches are set to lead the eight-week program from April 6 to May 27. Training sessions are scheduled every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, starting at 5:30 p.m., with participants expected to attend at least one session a week.

Registration is scheduled from March 8 to April 9 at the ARC’s front desk; the cost is $25. For more information, contact Kendra Densmore, (530) 752-3882 or kkdensmore@ucdavis.edu.

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Clifton B. Parker, Dateline, (530) 752-1932, cparker@ucdavis.edu

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