IN RESEARCH: Evidence of new physics?

Delayed gamma rays from deep space may provide the first evidence for physics beyond current theories.

The MAGIC (Major Atmospheric Gamma-ray Imaging Cherenkov) telescope found that high-energy photons of gamma radiation from a distant galaxy arrived at Earth four minutes after lower-energy photons, although they were apparently emitted at the same time. If correct, that would contradict Einstein's theory of relativity, which says that all photons (particles of light) must move at the speed of light.

"Everybody's very excited," about this result, said UC Davis physics professor Daniel Ferenc, a member of the MAGIC collaboration. He cautioned that the results need to be repeated with other gamma-ray sources and that a simpler explanation had not been ruled out. But, "it shows that such measurements are possible," he said.

The researchers propose that the delay could be caused by photons interacting with "quantum foam," a type of structure of space itself. Quantum foam is predicted by quantum gravity theory, an attempt to unite quantum physics and relativity at cosmic scales.

— Andy Fell

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