UC Davis will hold a series of forums next week to update the campus community about shared service center planning.
In particular, the report and recommendations of the ScottMadden consulting group, which for the past few months has been conducting research and data collection across many administrative functions, will be discussed. Next steps will be addressed as well.
Forums schedule
Monday, Aug. 16—forums are being held for employees in Administrative and Resource Management, Information and Educational Technology, Offices of the Chancellor and Provost, Student Affairs, and University Relations. These are the units whose HR, finance and IT services will migrate to the shared service center in the initial implementation. The Office of Research will move into the shared service center at a later date.
The schedule for the day:
• 10:30 a.m.-noon—ARM staff
• 1-2:30 p.m.—Student Affairs staff
• 2:45-4:15 p.m.—IET, University Relations, Office of the Chancellor and Provost staff.
All of the above sessions take place in Chemistry 194.
Thursday, Aug. 19—an all-staff forum will take place from 10:30 a.m. to noon in the UC Davis Conference Center Ballroom. This forum will be streamed live on the web and also available for viewing following the meeting.
Advance registration for all sessions is encouraged. Register online at . (UC Davis login required). After logging in, search for “ssc” to find and register for a forum. For registration help, contact Staff Development and Professional Services at sdps@ucdavis.edu or (530) 752-1766.
Goal: Inform, involve the campus community
The ScottMadden report is based on input from UC Davis staff and campus data sources. The recommendations incorporate best practices from UC Davis internal units, other universities, government agencies and non-profit organizations. ScottMadden’s contract is now concluded, and the campus will decide on implementation strategies going forward, with input from the campus community.
“The implementation of a shared service center is one of many administrative changes we are undertaking to achieve an improved and more innovative organization,” said John Meyer, vice chancellor for Administrative and Resource Management and co-chair of the Organizational Excellence Steering Committee.
Meyer added, “It is also a highly stressful time for many, most especially those whose jobs may be directly affected by the change to a new business model. As the shared service center plan is vetted across campus, it is important to understand that there is flexibility in the implementation plan. We want the campus to be actively engaged in the process, particularly those with the most experience in the services that will move into the shared service center.”
Refocused resources
Shared service centers are a key component of Chancellor Linda Katehi’s Organizational Excellence initiative. By combining the administrative and business functions of our divisions into shared service centers, more resources can be focused on the academic core, student services and high priority administrative initiatives.
The initiative helps administrative units address budget shortfalls while also increasing operational efficiency and effectiveness so that UC Davis is better positioned to support its core academic mission of teaching, research and service.
Under the shared service center model, employees with common tasks work together on focused business functions. Consolidation of staff, combined with redesign of core business processes and investments in technology, which are paid for with initiative savings, enable administrative employees throughout the campus to work in a more efficient manner.
On the Net
Organizational Excellence initiative—
Media Resources
Clifton B. Parker, Dateline, (530) 752-1932, cparker@ucdavis.edu