SUMMER DIVERSIONS: Origami, Pilates, 'vision boards' and more

Things don’t slow down like they used to, but summer at UC Davis still brings some fun, free diversions, including the Band-uh’s Summer Jam-uhs; an author event featuring a staff member and her book, Peach Farmer’s Daughter; a “vision board” project at a Career Catalyst brown bag; a Pilates workshop; and a MathFest talk by an expert in computational origami.

In addition, Staff Assembly is still selling tickets for the annual UC Davis Family Picnic at Six Flags.

Here are the free events:

Cal Aggie Marching Band-uh! — The band is presenting a Summer Jam-uh from 7 to 9 p.m. every other Monday on the grass just north of the Rec Pool. The remaining dates: July 11 and 25, and Aug. 8 and 22. Consider going for a swim first!

Peach Farmer’s Daughter — Author event with Brenda Nakamoto, executive assistant in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Dean’s Office. Noon-1 p.m. Tuesday, July 12, lounge, UC Davis Store Main (Memorial Union).

“From Flapping Birds to Space Telescopes: The Modern Science of Origami” — will deliver this talk during , aimed at high school students but also suitable for younger children — in other words, bring the whole family!

“Come learn about why mathematics and science careers are great choices,” the MathFest flier declares. 1 p.m. Wednesday, July 13, Activities and Recreation Center Ballroom. Sponsored by COSMOS (California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science) and the National Science Foundation.

Lang will discuss how mathematical techniques have been applied to the ancient Japanese art of paper folding, enabling the folding of shapes of stunning complexity and realism. As often happens in mathematics, theory developed for its own sake has led to some surprising practical applications, from airbags to giant space telescopes.

Lang is recognized as one of the foremost origami artists in the world as well as a pioneer in the development of formal design algorithms for folding. He holds a doctorate in applied physics from Caltech and has worked at the NASA-Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Spectra Diode Laboratories and JDS Uniphase on lasers and optoelectronics.

Pilates for a Stronger Core — Join Rose Zahnn as she shares some simple yet effective Pilates-based exercises designed to strengthen your core for better posture, a healthier lower back and flatter abdominals. Bring your mat since these exercises (for all fitness levels) will be done on the floor. Questions are welcome and you will leave with a handout of exercises with pictures so that you can do the exercises at home on a regular basis. Part of the WorkLife and Wellness Brown Bag Series. Noon-1 p.m. Thursday, July 14, Cabernet Room, Silo. No reservations are necessary.

SummerMusic on the Quad — This year’s series starts Saturday, July 16, with the Cajun sounds of Steve Riley & The Mamou Playboys and wraps up Saturday, Aug. 13, with Non Stop Bhangra, celebrating Punjabi folk music and dance.

Career Catalyst brown bag — Mark Guterman will lead the “vision board” exercise, in which participants will create collages from magazine images and headlines. “The session will begin with a brief exercise called Future Perfect, where participants will try to imagine their work life in perfect harmony, where they are using their talents, values and strengths in the best ways possible,” Guterman said.

Then the workshop participants will be invited to create their visions, literal or symbolic. “They can use their vision boards to jog their memory, to motivate themselves and to keep the possibility of their dreams alive,” Guterman said.

Scissors, glue and mounting boards will be provided, along with magazines, although you are welcome to bring your own if you wish. Noon-1 p.m. Thursday, July 28, Cabernet Room, Silo. No reservations are necessary.

“Frequent Flier Miles 101 and Travel Tips from the Pudding Guy” — David Phillips, director of the Davis campus’s utilities division, gained national and international fame — and his nickname — in a food manufacturer’s promotion 12 years ago, turning in bar codes from 12,500 pudding cups in exchange for 1.25 million frequent flier miles. He will be sharing his story and offering tips from noon to 1 p.m. Friday, Aug. 5, in Ballroom A at the Activities and Recreation Center. No reservations are necessary. Look for a feature story in an upcoming edition of Dateline UC Davis.

UC Davis Family Picnic at Six Flags

Finally, all UC Davis affiliates, including those with the UC Davis Health System, and friends and families, are welcome to join the UC Davis Family Picnic at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom.

The picnic at the Vallejo park is scheduled for Saturday, Aug. 6 (park hours are 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.).

Tickets: $35 per person, for everyone 3 years old and up (children under 3 will be admitted free). The price includes an all-you-can-eat picnic (2-4 p.m.); the picnic includes barbecue hamburgers, hot dogs, baked beans, garden salad, Italian pasta, corn cobbettes, watermelon slices, ice cream sandwiches and soft drinks. (A vegetarian option is available).

Vouchers are available for $5 parking (normally $15).

Click for the order form; the order deadline is July 25.

Media Resources

Dave Jones, Dateline, 530-752-6556, dljones@ucdavis.edu

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