Campus Leaders Denounce Hate Crime

Feb. 15, 2016

Dear UC Davis Campus Community:

It is deeply distressing that one of our own, an African American UC Davis student, was the victim of a hate crime that occurred near the student’s home early this morning on campus. We are fortunate that the student was able to call UC Davis police, who responded immediately and successfully arrested three male suspects, two of whom were charged with assault and committing a hate crime.

The alleged perpetrators are from the Sacramento area and are not UC Davis students.

We cannot stress enough that those who commit hate crimes in our community will be held accountable for their actions.ʉ۬Acts of bigotry and discrimination have no place in a civilized society and they have no place on our campus. A hateful incident directed at any one of us is an unacceptable affront to all of us.

No one should ever be made to feel unsafe or not valued on our campus, and we must all continue to do everything we can as a community to prevent such actions.

We hope this unacceptable incident will serve to further advance dialogue about how the UC Davis community can continue to build a culture and climate based on mutual respect, support and caring.

We encourage students who want to discuss this incident or any related matter to reach out to Kayton Carter at the UC Davis . We also hope you will participate in our upcoming . Any students who feel emotionally distressed by any act of discrimination or bigotry, please contact personnel at UC Davis .


Linda P.B. Katehi

Ralph J. Hexter
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor

Adela de la Torre
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Campus Diversity



Media Resources

Dana Topousis, News and Media Relations, dtopousis@ucdavis.edu

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