Testing continues on new Melvyl catalog

“Bigger and better” is how librarian Amy Kautzman describes the shape of things to come if UC Davis adopts a new online catalog system.
But first, the University Library wants feedback from faculty and employees, said Kautzman, associate university librarian for the humanities and social sciences. The library is encouraging patrons to test a new pilot version of the replacement for the current Melvyl Catalog—dubbed the Next-Generation Melvyl system.
The pilot can be found at ucdavis.worldcat.org. To have your comments considered in the evaluation, register your input by Dec. 12, Kautzman said.
“What do you like best about it? What do you like least about it? These and other candid observations are welcomed by the library,” she said.
The Next-Generation Melvyl pilot features a single interface that searches holdings in all UC libraries and in libraries around the world. It can also search periodical articles, UC books digitized by Google, and more, she added.
Similar to the way that researchers use Google for broad and inclusive searches, the Next-Generation Melvyl system allows scholars to cast a wide net and find out what holdings are at UC Davis and which ones are available for interlibrary loan from other research universities—all from one search box. On top of this, UC-eLinks can then be used to access the full text or print versions for journals with UC subscriptions.
The UC pilot project began in May and will run through December. Kautzman said the current Melvyl Catalog will continue to be available throughout the pilot project—see melvyl.cdlib.org.
Following its completion, a decision will be made about whether to move forward or to pursue other options. Before then, “We want to hear what you think,” Kautzman said.
For questions, contact your library subject specialist—see www.lib.ucdavis.edu/ul/about/directories/subjspec.php.
—Clifton B. Parker


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Clifton B. Parker, Dateline, (530) 752-1932, cparker@ucdavis.edu

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