UC Davis Gun Violence Expert to Speak Friday

Capitol Speaker Series


Dr. Garen J. Wintemute, the Susan P. Baker-Stephen P. Teret Chair in Violence Prevention at UC Davis, director of the Violence Prevention Research Program and professor of emergency medicine, will present his research findings on firearm violence. This is part of the UC Davis Capitol Speaker Series.


Noon, Friday, April 15


California State Capitol, Room 126


Garen Wintemute’s longstanding commitment to understanding the nature of firearm violence and its underlying causes has produced a uniquely rich and informative body of research on firearm violence that directly improves the health and safety of Americans and has positioned California and UC Davis as national leaders in efforts to break the cycle of gun violence.  He is a renowned expert on the public health crisis of gun violence and a pioneer in the field of injury epidemiology and prevention of firearm violence, which results in approximately 30,000 deaths a year and approximately 75,000 nonfatal injuries seen in hospital emergency departments.


Wintemute has conducted and published findings from numerous studies on gun accessibility, connections between gun ownership and violence, and related topics. He has testified before Congress and served as a consultant for the National Institute of Justice; the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms; and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Media Resources

Adrian Lopez, UC Davis Government and Community Relations, 530.400.8300, adnlopez@ucdavis.edu

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