UC Davis Invites Public to Town Hall on Alcohol and Students

Quick Summary

  • Town hall to help shape priorities for risk-reduction efforts
  • Hourlong open forum follows presentations
  • 5 to 7 p.m. on Nov. 16 in Davis Civic Center's Community Chambers

The public is invited to attend a campus and community town hall about college student alcohol use and ways to prevent high-risk drinking in Davis on Wednesday, Nov. 16.

"Enhancing Our Safety and Well-Being: Where Does Alcohol Fit In?" will be held from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the Community Chambers of the Davis Civic Center at 23 Russell Blvd. It is being organized by .

Aim is risk-reduction

Raeann Davis, the campus's health educator for alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, said feedback from the town hall would be used to help shape campus priorities for alcohol risk-reduction efforts.

She said the town hall is asking participants what social and environmental factors contribute to high-risk drinking and how we as a community can address them.

Open forum follows presentations

The first part of the meeting will include brief presentations from Nick Gorton, a doctor of emergency medicine at Sutter Davis Hospital; city of Davis Mayor Robb Davis; and Abhay Sandhu, vice president of the Associated Students of UC Davis, or ASUCD. Among those providing comments will be representatives of:

  • the city of Davis and UC Davis police departments;
  • the Interfraternity Council, the governing body of fraternities at UC Davis;
  • the board of directors of Picnic Day, UC Davis' annual open house;
  • the Center for Advocacy, Resources and Education at UC Davis, which works to reduce sexual violence and provides services for survivors; and
  • the Aggie Rise Recovery Group, which provides activities for recovery-minded students.

Dr. Michelle Famula, a community member and retired head of student health services at UC Davis, will moderate an hourlong open forum. Adela de la Torre, vice chancellor of Student Affairs and Campus Diversity, will provide closing remarks.

The town hall is being funded with a grant from the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Co-sponsors include the ASUCD, and Sorority and Fraternity Life at UC Davis.

Media Resources

Julia Ann Easley, UC Davis News and Media Relations, 530-752-8248, jaeasley@ucdavis.edu

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