UCOP asks for comment on proposed revision to layoff policy

The UC Office of the President this week announced a proposed revision to PPSM 60 to clarify that performance is one of the key factors that managers should consider when deciding layoffs or reductions in time for professional and support staff (PSS) in career positions.

This change would not affect title codes that are not governed by Personnel Policies for Staff Members 60, including those positions governed by collective bargaining agreements.

UCOP posted the proposed PPSM 60 revision on the At Your Service website on July 27. A memo the same day specified a review period for employee comments. Click to read the proposed policy and an FAQ.

The existing policy emphasizes seniority as the dominant factor in layoff decisions, while allowing managers — under certain circumstances — to factor in employee skills. The revision retains seniority as a factor, while clarifying that employee performance and ability should also be carefully considered.

Dwaine B. Duckett, systemwide vice president for Human Resources, is quoted in UCOP's July 27 memo, explaining why the university developed the revision. He said managers had expressed concern about their ability to retain their best people, by not considering employee performance when determining layoffs.

Seniority would continue to be a prominent and an important factor in any layoff decisions, Duckett said.

“Some of our highest performing employees have been with UC a long time," Duckett said in the memo. "If there were two employees within the same layoff unit with the same skills and who have performed equally well, then the more senior employee would be retained. On the other hand, if there are true differences in performance, those factors would be considered.”

While UC is facing unprecedented budget cuts, the release of the policy revision does not mean that systemwide layoffs are imminent, Duckett said.

“UC has a long-term goal of building a stronger performance-based culture for its work force,” he said. “The proposed revision, along with new performance management programs, supports that goal.”

Highlights of the proposed changes include:

• Locations may choose to provide employees subject to indefinite layoff or indefinite reduction in time with either severance pay or the option to elect rights to recall and preference for reemployment in lieu of severance pay.

• Severance pay is identified as the default.

• Criteria when determining order of layoff must include relevant skills, knowledge and abilities, documented performance, and length of service.

• Employees with priority for retention may waive their seniority in order to be designated for layoff.

The Davis campus HR unit has set a deadline of Wednesday, Aug. 31, for employee comments. They should be directed to Terri DeLaMora, employee relations consultant, tadelamora@ucdavis.edu. While their positions are not subject to PPSM 60, union-represented employees may submit comments through union representatives.



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Dave Jones, Dateline, 530-752-6556, dljones@ucdavis.edu

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