A field of corn seen against a clear blue sky.
A field of corn grown for research purposes at the Veggie Crop at UC Davis.

Unfold: Episode 2

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How much do you know about GMOs? If you’re like most consumers, you’re probably aware of the non-GMO label that appears on so many organic foods. Organic farming and genetic engineering appear be on opposite ends of the political debate in agriculture. But in this episode of Unfold, we talk to two UC Davis experts who believe that organic farming and genetic engineering don’t have to be so antagonistic. They argue a blend of both types of agriculture is key to helping sustainably feed more people.

In This Episode:

, professor of plant pathology in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Science and the Genome Center. She is recognized for her role in development of high-yielding flood-tolerant rice.

, market garden and CSA coordinator for the UC Davis organic student farm. Both co-authored the book, “Tomorrow’s Table: Organic Farming, Genetics, and the Future of Food.â€
